Geometric Art

Geometric art is a form of abstract art that encompasses a wide range of creative styles based on the use of shapes, lines, or a combination of both. This art form has been widely incorporated into contemporary styles and has continued to influence modern art and the latest design trends today.

Geometric Art I is the first of the geometric art series designed by Arts & Co. This art piece presents a geometric abstract style filled with squares, triangles, circles, trapezoids, and line patterns in various shades of yale blue and flax. The sheer colors are often associated with positive energy and heightened emotions. The shapes are arranged in a manner that symbolizes structure, balance, and order.


Arts & Co.


February 15, 2022



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A form of abstract art that encompasses a wide range of creative styles based on the use of shapes, lines, or a combination of both.

The trend towards abstraction creates art pieces that are vivid and expressive. This style is seen in many modern interiors, from art prints to canvases. These amazing art pieces use bright and modern color schemes to balance and harmonize rooms, as well as add an interesting, fresh touch to interior designs.

The Geometric Art series features an endless array of unique designs with one or several geometric shapes. Each composition forms striking, futuristic, and often colorful designs. The series exhibits exceptional contemporary abstract art for every taste and style that can effortlessly modernize the look of any traditional space. The versatility in color schemes can pair easily with any walls, furniture, or accents.

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"These amazing art pieces use bright and modern color schemes to balance and harmonize rooms, as well as add an interesting, fresh touch to interior designs."

Arts & Co. Admin